Jeffrey Reid Baker: Pictures
The most distributed publicity picture - taken by Alison Reynolds. I had just finished the Liszt CD and was recording the Gershwin CD. Orff's Carmina was to be next.
Grammy winning producer John McClure and I mastering the Carmina Burana production with the New York Chorale Society directed by Robert DeCormier.
In my studio January 2005
Performing Gershwin's Rhapsody In Blue in Huntington, NY. The stage wasn't big enough so a flatbed truck was used!
From the contact sheet of photographer Alison Reynold's artist shoot for JRB Records' premiere release: A Composer's Christmas.
Mastering a recording at Dawn Studios with Joe Micals and Bob Lesick.
Hanging out by the pool, with songwriting partner Joe Micals. (TWIN MUSIC PRODS.)
Circa 2015
Where I would most like to be found. One of my greatest passions - video production.
The New York Chorale Society recording all the chorale and solo vocals as I collected all the MIDI data from the piano accompaniment to later use as a guide to add the complete computer generated orchestra.
Playing the Steinway grand in the auditorium of Trinity-Pawling High School.
At a lesson with Professor Rudolph "Rudy" Schramm in Room 1007 - Carnegie Hall. (1978)
With best friend Jay Martin while signing to do a number of musical projects for Score Productions in Atlanta, GA.
1967 in Vermont
Playing on the 2 pianos of Senator Ralph Flanders (R) with his nephew Jon (left), me (center) and his aunt (right). I believe Jon was working on the Rimsky-Korsakov Piano Concerto and I was playing the orchestral reduction.
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